The Lord had recently laid on my heart a verse to meditate on:
Psalm 119:105
"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path"
I had heard this verse so many times, and in hearing it so much I had failed to see the full extent of its meaning. I realized that "a lamp unto my feet" referred to the foot lamps or lanterns of ancient times that shed just enough light to take one step at a time. The Lord desired to show me through this verse the importance of relying on Him for each step. You find by reading a previous
post that I struggle with not taking God's will and running with it. I want to take it and do it
for God, rather than
with God.
Here were the thoughts that the Lord shared with me this morning:
In the Companion Bible I read-
"lamp: or lantern, for light on the path for the feet; not merely a light for our eyes"
An example of a light for our eyes would be in Acts 9:3 when God used a blinding light to open Saul's spiritual eyes.
I believe that the "light for our eyes" is a light that brings us to salvation, like a beacon, it calls us to come home from our wandering to our Father in Heaven.
I believe that the "light for our feet" is a light that enables us to follow after the Lord, it is the foot lamp or lantern that is given us after we receive God's salvation. This lamp is the Word of God, that shows us how we ought to walk.
The Lord began to show me some characteristics of the lamp that I did not see before.
1. The lamp gives us just enough light to find our way; not too much or too little.
God gives us just enough truth for the situation we need at hand.
2. The lamp is no good unless we us it.
We need to get into God's Word and glean the truth's that he has for us each day, otherwise, we'll be stumbling in the darkness.
3. Not having much light causes us to lend greater reliance on our light source.
When we have just enough light so we cannot see what's farther ahead but only that which is right in front of us; we become more reliant on our light source because we need to stay focused on it for each step.
4. Lastly, the oil in our lamps is the stored Word of God that we memorize and meditate on.
If we do not have God's word in us, God cannot bring it out as we need it. If a lamp does not have oil, it cannot be used to produce more light.
As the Lord showed me these truths I became aware of the need to not only follow the Lord day by day, but minute by minute, step by step, and allow Him to light the way for my path; instead of running ahead in the darkness thinking I know the way.