~ " The success of a sower is determined not by how much seed is in his bag, but by how much is in the ground." ~

Saturday, December 29, 2012


...it's been awhile.

I'd love to cram all in one post all the things that the Lord has done in my life over the past year. Wow, a year has flown by and we're about to enter another year; I feel as if I've entered a time warp. So, let me explain, no time, let me sum up - I got away from doing full time sewing lessons and went on a sabbatical due to health issues back in December of 2011, during which time I got quite a bit of writing done and worked on eBay and the like (as well as held Bible studies with girls from my church, went to conferences, watched the kids, and tons of stuff I seem not to be able to remember right now). Then, I taught sewing lessons to religious refugees. This was an awe-inspiring experience that paired my love for missions and sewing together. Talk about amazing, to enter a room full of women that could not speak a lick of English and who didn't know how to sew, to leave when the course was finished, with a group that could have simple conversations with you and could get work in sewing factories and businesses!
The summer of 2012 found me planning and preparing to become a Jr. High Comp. and Lit. teacher/tutor which was definitely out of my normal league! I enjoyed stretching my knowledge and abilities in this area and found it so rewarding to be able to invest in so many lives. The Lord really helped me out in this area! Now, I am waiting on the Lord for direction in the next phase of my life and in the meantime I plan to keep my hands and mind busy. Thus, the rebirth of this blog; a place where I hope to share the thoughts and ideas that are running around in my head and to showcase the things that I plan to create!