~ " The success of a sower is determined not by how much seed is in his bag, but by how much is in the ground." ~

Thursday, February 17, 2011

My Secret Place

God sent me the birds to show me that
life soars on the wings of faith.

God sent me the trees to show me
how small my problems really are.

God sent me the flowers to show me that
I need not worry about life or its needs because
my Father in Heaven doth always provide.

God sent me the animals to show me that
there is reason to sing and rejoice no matter
what is going on in the world.

The Lord revealed these things to me when I was, outside, in His presence, and all around me life was full of His praise; showing me how much we humans don't trust Him when He has done so much for us! May your heart be encouraged today as you go outside and see how nature truly does declare the Glory of God!

(Pictures from Allposters.com)


  1. Wow, I love this! :) It almost made me want to take pictures to illustrate it. :) Did you write it?

    Thanks for the encouragement today!

  2. Yes I wrote it; I thought the whole time in posting this, wow, Ruth Ann would be able to take some wonderful pictures to illustrate this! These are the times I wish I would have had a talent in photography; I wish I could take the pictures in my head! : )
    I am glad it could be an encouragement to you!
    God Bless you!

  3. but that's where it starts - taking pictures in your head. That's what I do. ;) My pictures are just how I "see life."

    Anyway, you should email me if you ever want/need a picture on something. I could either take it or might already have it. ;) just sayin...that'd be kind fun!

    love you!

  4. I will definitely keep that in mind and will probably take you up on that offer!!! ;)

    Thank you! Love you too!
