~ " The success of a sower is determined not by how much seed is in his bag, but by how much is in the ground." ~

Friday, June 26, 2009

Try, Try Again

"How do we react to failure? Do we immediately start making allowances or blaming others or refusing to try again? Or do we try to understand what the Lord could have been teaching us through our failure. Could the lesson be humility? Could it be perseverance? Could it be both?"

"...the way we react to those trials is important, not only because we ought to be striving to glorify God, even in the "little things," but because we're also developing character that's going to help us tackle those "bigger things."

A wonderful young lady, Jasmine, has posted this helpful article on her blog, here.

I would have to say that my greatest fear in life is the fear of failure. I am gripped by this fear so badly at times, that, instead of using my failure as a step to success, I never try again. There have been many things in my life that I have never even attempted, just because I didn't want to fail. The more things I have put off or not pursued because of my fear have caused me to realize that:

The greatest failure in life is not even trying!

When we are doing things for the Lord, our concern is whether or not we are rightly serving Him; not whether or not we fail. If something does not go the way we anticipate, it is not because we have failed or God failed us, but that the lessons we learn through so called "failure" are greater than the lessons we would learn through succuss.

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