~ " The success of a sower is determined not by how much seed is in his bag, but by how much is in the ground." ~

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!

This Christmas season I have been thinking a lot about Mary and the special qualities she must of had to be used so mightily by the Lord. As I read the Christmas story and rejoiced at our Saviour's birth my mind continued to pick out the beautiful character of Mary.

She was Pure in heart and lived a life of purity toward the Lord;

She was Humble, calling herself a lowly "handmaiden" of the Lord;

She was Believing, she had faith in what the angel told her, and her cousin Elisabeth blessed "she that believes";

She Feared the Lord, she said that the Lord's mercy is on them that "fear Him";

She was Quiet, she "pondered" the angel's proclamation to the shepherds in her heart;

She was Submissive, she submitted to the leadership of Joseph and to the will of the Lord;

Most of all the quality that I love in Mary is her Meek spirit. She said "so be it" to what the Lord had deemed. She was willing to suffer any humiliation or hardship that came with this special calling from the Lord.

This Christmas, I ask myself, am I as willing as Mary was to endure anything the Lord sends my way; whether pleasant or hard?
Am I willing to say that His will is mine?

('Kissing the Face of God' by Morgan Weistling)

May the blessing of our Precious Savior be upon you and your family this Christmas! May you find peace and joy always, this coming year, in the will of the Lord!

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